Feasibility Survey of EV charging points

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The requirement was to develop an app for conducting the feasibility survey of deploying rooftop or ground the mounted solar power generation project – SOURA, aimed at involving 1 lakh consumers.

Problem scenario

  1. Mobile application in Android OS to be used by field staff assigned by KSEB to conduct surveys of locations for setting up eV charging stations.
    1. Login of field staff shall be validated through Orumanet of KSEB or through a validated phone number provided by the KSEB team.
    2. The app will have the provision of capturing images, geotagging of location, upload file, multiple questions of different input types, including the population of data from the KSEB database.
    3. Provision for editing of collected data of locations.
  2. A web application for retrieving survey data as per the format and classification required by KSEB.
    1. This app will be used by coordinators of surveys to monitor and verify survey operations.
    2. The web application will have the option to edit and remove surveyed data.
    3. KSEB can add more locations to the database through the web application.
    4. The app will have the provision for ranking and sorting of survey data. 

Solution we delivered

  • Mobile App – KSEB field survey staff
  • Web App – Survey monitoring and management